
The Kindness Revolution Has A Life of It's Own

Wow, you were right! Dave Kahn, at our first Kindness Company of the Month, is really excited. He’s calling his friends, family, (even his son who just had shoulder surgery plans to come.) He’s asking the president of PostNet to fly out (Steve just appeared on that television show, “Secret Boss”) Dave plans to send the press release to the CEO of the International Division of Postnet. Dave is very good friends with the woman we met who heads up the Chamber of Commerce. He’s inviting her himself. He asked if he could send the press release to the reporters he knows. He loves the wristbands and can’t wait to hand them out to people who’ve been extraordinarily kind. You were right, The Kindness Revolution™ has a life of its own.


I Love Being a Part of Something So Wonderful

I am in the process of planning several events and had a thought for a mini event that I would like to do. I would like to team up with the fire department and have a day where people can come and get safety child seats properly installed in their cars. What I would love to hear are your thoughts on incorporating The Kindness Revolution into it.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I’ve been talking a lot about you this week. I just got out of a meeting where we are assisting with the free lunch program that takes place during the summer break. I also talked to 2 people yesterday who are looking to join TKR, at least one of them said he was on board after hearing how passionate our office is about it. Have I told you lately how much I love being a part of something so wonderful?!?!?

Thanks for all you do!


I Don't Know How We Could've Gotten This Kind of Exposure Without This Program

The City Manager has contacted us and has asked for wristbands for all city employees. He would like all of his staff to wear the wristbands. He also would like a meeting with us, because he thinks this is a great program and would like to hear more about it. This is only our second month and we are already getting the city behind us. I don’t know how we could have gotten this kind of exposure without this program.


Still, Good Things Coming Our Way

Still, good things coming our way. When the city came by to pick up their wristbands, they said if we could do a press release on the program they would promote it for us. I thought that I would ask you if you had one already. You would have more information than I would.


It Felt Great!

Just wanted to share this with everyone. I got my first opportunity this weekend to Pay-It-Forward just like the Kindness Revolution was designed to do and it felt great!!! I was playing golf this weekend and someone who received some prize money pointed out that he received the money in error and made sure that the right person got the money and he didn’t get anything. But, he did get my bracelet and put it on immediately and told me thanks. For those of you who have requested a bracelet and have not come by our office to receive one or more, please call or come by so you can also get the tremendous feeling of Paying-It-Forward as I did this weekend.



The response to the Pay It Forward wristband campaign is literally overwhelming!


I Attribute The Kindness Revolution To My Agency's Success

I won our company’s highest sales award for 2013. I will tell anyone who you would like to call me how much I attribute The Kindness Revolution™ to my agency’s success. If anyone asks, I will be glad to tell them it “made me” during the past two years.


And Finally, One of Our Favorite Facebook Posts

Meet Ethan…Ethan recently lost his best friend, who committed suicide as a result of bullying. Ethan is fighting back by becoming an Ambassador for The Kindness Revolution™ and giving “It’s Cool 2B Kind” wristbands to students in his community. We are proud of Ethan and hope you will share this for him.
